30 Market Pl, Brackley, NN13 7BA

- Erect scaffolding to the front elevation, right-hand side elevation, and northeast chimney stack.
- Carry out stonework repairs to the cornice of the chimney and replace eroded bricks to the stack.
- Remove existing cementitious repairs that have started to fail, de-frass all loose and friable masonry, and consolidate all stonework.
- Source new stone to match the existing and carry out repairs to stonework on a case-by-case basis. New sections of stone will be pinned into place using stainless steel dowels and resin fixings to firmly secure.
- Remove cast iron rainwater goods to be abrasively cleaned off site. Once clean, the rainwater goods will be prepared, decorated, and returned to site where they will be re-fitted into their previous locations.
- Remove and replace the leadwork to the east cornice. Install a new vertical flashing to protect the joint of the lead with the building.